Centre for Experimental Animal Infections

<p><strong>Centre for Experimental Animal Infections</strong></p>
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciencs
Building area
Date of creation

The aim of the project is to expand the existing Infectious Diseases Veterinary Clinic of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw Centre for Experimental Animal Infections together with the necessary technical infrastructure


The documentation includes the conceptual, construction and executive design together with technology. The scope includes: a new pavilion for animals undergoing experiments. The facility is designed in BSL2 standard, Class II airtightness of rooms according to the requirements on the list of pathogenic organisms and their classification. The Centre will be adapted to work with the following animal species: pigs, sheep, cattle, rodents, rabbits, hens, turkeys, geese, ducks, other birds. The facility is designed in a standard that meets the requirements for their accreditation according to GLP standards, as well as detailed standards and norms.

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