District office in Torun

<p><strong>District office in Torun</strong></p>
Public utility
District office w Toruniu
Building area
15180 m2
Date of creation

The design of the new seat of the district office in Toruń is a competition concept for a building that is to house all the most important district-level offices in Toruń. The competition guidelines were primarily to solve the advanced function of a multi-branch office in a body that should be representative and appropriately exposed in the context of wide expanses of empty space in the building’s surroundings. The building was to be energy-efficient, ecological and provide all the amenities to Users – both those employed and those interested.




The building was designed as a rectangular rectangular block with an atrium open to all floors, filled with greenery in its central part. The atrium cover was designed as an inflatable structure made of ETFE foil, ensuring an appropriate microclimate inside. The function was arranged according to the number and type of visitors planned for each department – the lowest floors housed the most frequently visited offices, while the highest floors housed offices and departments with fewer users.


The building’s elevations were designed in two ways, taking into account the impact of the Sun on each of them. The northern and western elevations were made entirely of glass, maximizing light gains during the day; movable panels made of textured glass were also used, limiting the possibility of direct view into the building from the outside. The southern and eastern elevations exposed to direct sunlight were designed as “double-skin” elevations – between the first layer of glass directly adjacent to the rooms inside and the second layer of thin glass outside the building, a buffer was formed in the form of an empty space that stores heat in winter and provides coolness in summer by forcing air movement. This solution allows to limit the overheating of the building in summer and to naturally warm it with sunlight in winter. Additionally, movable blinds were used on the external layer of glass to additionally shade the rooms.


The building is surrounded by parking spaces, benches, squares, bicycle stops, “parking lots” for animals and an extensive recreation zone with a playground.

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