Research and Development Centre for Innovative Medicines Selvita S.A.

Multi-discipline project: concept with technology design, construction and executive design for the investment task entitled..: “Construction of the Research and Development Centre of Innovative Medicines Selvita S.A.” in Kraków.
The investor assumes the implementation of the investment divided into three stages. As part of the first stage, the construction of a laboratory building with an area of 8 300m2 was completed, containing biological laboratories, a significant part of which, over 3 000 m2, will be BSL 2 class 2 biosafety laboratories. There is also an animal house for mice kept in the SPF standard. The laboratory is characterized by a higher standard of safety, including image and acoustic monitoring of laboratory work, decontamination systems at the exit of the chamber and two-stage air filtration and emergency power supply system.
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